Charles Bruijn / Closure + execute

Revert 95 Art Corner

Een selectie werken van Charles Bruijn (Senior graphic designer, founder Marker, design agency; 1990−continuing) – visual artist uit Haarlem zijn nu te koop in onze ART Corner in onze shop in de Kleine Houtstraat te Haarlem.
Selected proof prints / Try outs / Unique Mulpiles / One of a kinds etc…

Closure + execute

Serie waarin hij werk-gerelateerde papieren ‘verwerkte’ in collages. Notities, to do’s, ideeën, kattebelletjes, briefings, schetsen, archiefstukken, gebruiksaanwijzingen, moodboard- en referentie afbeeldingen etc. etc. Afsluiten – opruimen… Ondertussen het aangename met het nuttige mengen én proberen de balans terug te brengen: werk/plezier, rust/stress, moeten/mogen, onzin/zinvol

Create … As long as I can remember I wanted to design, create and multiply with existing material, goals and borders

Collecting and changing : Use what you got! Everything is done already and most of the time pretty good! I love to collect, arrange and work with it.

Good Cop/Bad Cop

I always see everything ‘double’. Like the ‘Open’ sign, I’m aware of the fact that there is ‘Closed’ on the other side of it. Binary! No sweet without the sour… yes and no, before and after, left and right etc. I like to explore the spaces in between. I want you to be comfortable, but at the same time I want to pull you out of that zone


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